Quality Policy

27 February 2025

Haines Medical Australia (Haines) supports the infection prevention, safe patient handling and environmental sustainability targets of healthcare providers in Australia and beyond — working hand in hand with medical professionals towards safer, more sustainable healthcare.

Our longstanding and trusted reputation is contingent upon customer satisfaction, and we strive to uphold it; meeting customer requirements and expectations in a proactive, professional and cost-effective manner. To do this, we will:

  • Maintain our Quality Management System in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015.
  • Set objectives and targets to measure and improve performance of the System.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement through collaboration, communication and consultation, regular reviews and improvement initiatives.
  • Integrate quality management principles into our business planning and operational functions.
  • Actively seek feedback from customers and stakeholders to identify and address opportunities for improvement.

We will meet these commitments through the application of policies, procedures, objectives and safe work systems in adherence with applicable Acts, Standards, Codes of Practice and regulatory requirements. 

This Policy is applicable to all aspects of Haines operations including employees working or consulting remotely. It is the responsibility of every Haines employee to adhere to the requirements of our Quality Management System, for the safety and satisfaction of our customers.

Together, we will innovate, collaborate, lead and act with integrity for a safer, more sustainable future.

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