Our Haines Disposable Paper Pill Cups have made quite an impact down south, in the regional area of Warrnambool, VIC, at South West Healthcare. Our new paper medicine cups are a fantastic example of how sustainability is becoming embedded across our region-wide health service. The use of plastic medicine cups...

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Recent studies are showing the virus behind a current pandemic, the human Coronavirus (COVID19) is a viral illness where the cell structure mimics those of measles and Swine flu (H1N1). Haines Disposable Curtains are coated with a solution of nanometer silver and quaternary ammonium silicon compounds acting as a proven...

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At Haines, we have been thinking about patients getting up out of bed and walking as part of their recovery.  We were surprised to hear about the number of falls and injuries incurred. Patient mobility and footwear Studies have shown that 1 out of 3 in the age category of...

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At Haines there are a number of ways we choose to give back. We focus our giving in two key areas of the human services and healthcare industry.  We do this by donating our skills and our knowledge and where appropriate our products.  

At Haines there are a number of ways we choose to give back. We focus our giving in two key areas of the human services and healthcare industry.  We do this by donating our skills and our knowledge and where appropriate our products.   International Aid Haines regularly support medical...

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